EPR in the United States: What Does Industry Need to do to get Ready for EPR
Jason Bergquist, Vice President, RecycleMe
In this presentation on "EPR 101" I will set the stage for how the US came to start adopting the policy, introduce the 5 States that have enacted it, and go through some of the basics, including where the rules harmonize, and where they don't. Finally, I will present a plan for next steps.
Jason brings over 35 years of experience in waste and recycling roles. He has managed commercial and municipal waste hauling divisions, single stream recycling hauling and material recovery facility operations, bottle bill redemption pickup and sorting operations among others, in Maine, New York and California. Additionally, Jason has significant international experience, having worked in the manufacturing industry in both Europe and Asia. He holds a Juris Doctor (JD) degree from John F. Kennedy University of Law and has provided counsel in the areas of Superfund compliance, beverage container deposit law, and hazardous waste management. Jason and his wife live in Maine and are proud to have raised three children together.
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